Sunday, September 22, 2013

LDS Church Membership reaches 15 Million

According to my conservative calculations, the membership of the LDS church would have reached 15,009,900 by the end of August 2013.

Official membership as of 12/31/2012 was 14,782,473.  With an annual increase of 341,127 or a monthly increase of 28,427.  More likely the numbers are higher for two reasons, this is based on 2012 growth, if it is based on 2013 growth the monthly increase would be over 30,000 a month. Secondly, this is based on 55,000 missionaries, not the nearly 80,000 now serving.

End of year prediction for Dec 31, 2013, would fall at about 15.15 Million.  Of course the number would be two million higher if we counted all the children under the age of eight who are not yet baptized.  The church will release this Dec 2013 membership number in their annual April Conference in April 2014.

The 2013 US membership would be 6,415,000 growing about 100,000 a year
The International membership would be 8,719,000 growing about 250,000 a year

There are an average of 4,920 members per stake (this is simple division ignoring the 600 districts (smaller than stakes) and 7,600 branches)
There are 9.7 units (known as wards or branches or congregations) per stake
and about 510 members per unit

This puts the LDS membership ahead of the Jews both in the US and internationally
The LDS Church is the 4th largest in the US and should surpass the United Methodist church in 2019. With Catholics (67 Million US) and Southern Baptists (16 Million US) further ahead.

However, I have always believed a better measure of LDS activity is the level of stakes
There are 3,036 Stakes in the Church in 83 countries.  1,510 are in the US (49.75%) and 1,526 outside.
Year-to-date, the church has added 30 new stakes, 23 outside of the US

There are 141 operating temples, 68 in the US and 73 abroad
There are 170 announced and operating temples, 81 in the US and 89 abroad.

From the website
You find a map of all wards and branches and stake boundaries for all countries
Here is an example of South Africa

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